Eyes Open


Mi Madre

Lung of Life

Heartbeat of the universe

Birth of consciousness


Mirror of the heavens

Grains of sand

Beneath my tender flesh


How glorious to gaze upon you

I weep with the realization 

Of you

Almighty in heart




Giving life to light

To energy

To oceans 

To green tendrils of growth

To mighty forests

Mirrored lakes

Pink sunsets


Birthing man




Miracles and hope


The culmination of cells

The musical evolution of

Growth and multiplication



New velvet life bursting forth

Riding the wings

Of the ancient bird tribes


You held us up on your verdant green

When we took our first shaky steps

Arms outstretched

Trying to capture the radiant 

Sun above us in our arms


Laying our ears to the ground

We hear your breath

We feel your vibration

Your heartbeat

Deep within

Below in the magma

You pulsate

You live

Giving life to your children


You honor us with your awareness

Your truth

Your radiance

Your forgiveness

Your sorrow


The wonderment I have for you

Fills my heart

Expanding me

Making me one with you


Crawling on the forest floor

A primal being

My nose filled with pine scent 

Spicy bark and moist mosses

I breathe you in as if

I may never take another breath


Gliding over your distant waves

Dancing in your blue water expanse

Inhaling your salty sea air

Briny deliciousness

Enveloping me


Silently walking 

Making my way

Through tall dry grasses


Dust molecules

Floating around me

The fragrance of earth

My welcome companion 


Far above 

Cloud tapestries

Gray, turquoise, lavender, mauve

Puffy white

Cascading downward

Hugging the rock and snow spires 

That rise within them


Beacons of pleasure and pain

Bloodshed and ancient civilizations

Birth and rebirth

Future evolutions

Of our life force


Enchanting us with nature’s 

Symmetry Waltz

Each handhold

Each movement 


Each blooming seed 

A celebration


Gently offering us your 

Rose of Life

Her petals drip beauty

Intoxicating us

Sending distant chimes

Of hope for all


Turning a blind eye

We children adopt

The seductive cloak of greed

Using you for our own benefit


We have trampled your

Delicate Features

Defaced you

Gouged into your 

Tender heart

With our carelessness

Marring your beauty

Disrupting your kingdoms


Rise Oh Brother and Sister

Gather together

Hold hands with each other

Join as ONE

Mind, Heart and Soul

Help to heal

Our tattered shorelines

Give back life to our bare forests

Quench the thirsty mouths

Of the multitudes


Dear Mother Earth

Let us help heal you

You have given us life

Now we must breathe 

Life back into you

Remedy your wounds

Plant trees, clear trash

Consciously live

Educate others

Provide HOPE for future generations



Your crystal tears fall from the heavens

Flooding our souls

We feel your pain

Let us cradle you in our arms


Bowing down before you

We offer ourselves 

In sorrow

Seeking forgiveness

Silent tears within


Change has come 

Help us restore you 

We stand ready to return the gifts

You have bestowed upon us

United heartbeats forever

In gratitude



Susan Lawrence 

Copyright 2021